
Things I Don't Get

I don't get...

-people who think Baz Lurhman's Romeo + Juliet was a bad idea

-the NHL commissioner

-people who say good christians don't drink; one of the miracles was the Messiah turning water into wine. [People, Jesus WANTS you to drink ;)]

-strait people who think it's their business what two consenting same sex adults do with one another

-my father not understanding that sometimes a girl is not a slut- sometimes the guy is

-guys who think they too get to claim a "time of the month"

-vegans who smoke

-people who peak in high school

-how a person could grow up sans disney

- why so many people don't understand the plot of Inception

-how anyone could love the Rolling Stones over Aerosmith

-spouses who cheat on each other and go through the hassle of hiding it, instead of just being swingers

-baseball as America's pastime

-college graduates who say things like, "she don't know me."

-people who don't understand what is wrong with the above sentence

-able pro-life supporters who don't have foster children

-Twihards who only watch the movies and "can't wait to find out how it all ends!" but won't pick up the book THAT WOULD TELL THEM

-the need to still raise the Confederate flag

-why the drinking age is randomly at 21

-people who can't tell the difference between an adverb and adjective

-people who think the Moon is a planet

-Sarah Palin

-guys who lead with tongue

-people who think the Holocaust didn't hap

-lots more......maybe I should do this once a week- flush out all the negativity?

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