
Random Thoughts I've been Storing Up

-I want to have a dog and I want to name it Puppy.

-How can internet dating be considered giving up when the whole point of internet dating is to meet someone?

-Anytime I promise to stay away from the computer for any amount of time, I am LYING

-I mean, it's not like one would completely stop trying to meet men in day to day life (back on the internet dating topic)

-"Sex can wait, masturbate!" Is so fun to say and one of my favorite comedy sketches. unfortunately, it is  inappropriate to bust out at family dinner with your Grandmother. Even more unfortunately, I speak from experience.

-A girl (me) can only go so long without a boyfriend (getting some) before she explodes (in a negative way, not the fun way).

- I'm extremely insecure about trying e-harmony (can you tell??)

-I need a hug