
Happy New Year!.....or, um.....SPRING!

(Yes, clearly it's been a while since I posted last - but you were warned!)

So some exciting things have been going on in my little world. Excited to hear about them? Well of course you are- why else would you be reading this trash?

  • My good Friend Lauren got ENGAGED! (Can you imagine getting married in college? I can't even imagine having a steady relationship in college, let alone planning an eternal one! Hats off to the lovely girl without commitment issues ;) )
  • I have stepped in as Events Coordinator for DePaul Interfaith 
  • I have simultaneously been becoming more comfortable with my Catholic roots and exploring modern Goddess worship (no one else gets the correlation either, don't worry about it) 
  • I'm on twitter (which I update CONSTANTLY! That's right- be jealous! ;) )

annnnnnnd............ I know there's more but I can't think of anything else right now. 

And my Grandfather died. (And NO, I did NOT forget about that, it just didn't fit with the other exciting stuff is all.) Anyone who knows my family knows that he has been suffering ince my Granma passed- although I still don't know how to feel about him I do know that i'm glad he and the love of his life are finally reunited. 

Oh, and my sister is going to play volleyball at Hope College next year- how the hell did we both end up at RELIGIOUS institutions? Has God even met our parents? 

Well that's it for now kids- off to nurse a spiked hot chocolate while watching Bambi in bed (am I living the dream or what?) 

peace love and all that good stuff to any and all passerbys <3

1 comment:

  1. Words cannnot express my happiness that I am your first exciting bullet point :) I freaking miss you. I love you and your fantastic humor. Hope your Bambi experience was simply splendid!
