

With no friday classes to speak of, I'm off to enjoy my typical 3 day weekend- be jealous ;)

Some highlights of the past week:
  • getting a 100% on my first paper for WRD this quarter :)
  • coming back to Chicago and my roomies/comfy bed
  • having chinese food DELIVERED to our dorm last night :D (for free, I might add)
  • chick flick night with the girls, affording another opportunity to giggle/sigh our way through "Letters to Juliet" 
  • finishing the entire series of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" on dvd (again)
  • discovering A.J. Jacobs has a new book out
  • purchasing said book for half the cost thanks to Borders Rewards :)

Some things to look forward to this weekend:
  • the chance to get free Lion King tickets
  • dorm trip to the Lincoln Park Zoo
  • whatever wild and crazy parties we degenerate college students will find ;) 


More Disclaimers

I like to talk a lot. About me, specifically. I have a theory that I've been in therapy for so long, that the need to talk openly and ridiculously extensively about myself has kind of been programmed in. So I'm a bit self involved. That's one of the reasons I'm doing this blog. It's a nice. easy way to put everything out there to the world, while at the same time refraining from actually forcing anything on anybody. 

What I have to say is not important. No really, it's not. You might on occasion catch a glimpse of some personal, philosophical victory, but the likelier case is a post about hot male celebrities, or some bitch in class annoying the hell out of me.

You've been warned :) 

Things I Don't Get

I don't get...

-people who think Baz Lurhman's Romeo + Juliet was a bad idea

-the NHL commissioner

-people who say good christians don't drink; one of the miracles was the Messiah turning water into wine. [People, Jesus WANTS you to drink ;)]

-strait people who think it's their business what two consenting same sex adults do with one another

-my father not understanding that sometimes a girl is not a slut- sometimes the guy is

-guys who think they too get to claim a "time of the month"

-vegans who smoke

-people who peak in high school

-how a person could grow up sans disney

- why so many people don't understand the plot of Inception

-how anyone could love the Rolling Stones over Aerosmith

-spouses who cheat on each other and go through the hassle of hiding it, instead of just being swingers

-baseball as America's pastime

-college graduates who say things like, "she don't know me."

-people who don't understand what is wrong with the above sentence

-able pro-life supporters who don't have foster children

-Twihards who only watch the movies and "can't wait to find out how it all ends!" but won't pick up the book THAT WOULD TELL THEM

-the need to still raise the Confederate flag

-why the drinking age is randomly at 21

-people who can't tell the difference between an adverb and adjective

-people who think the Moon is a planet

-Sarah Palin

-guys who lead with tongue

-people who think the Holocaust didn't hap

-lots more......maybe I should do this once a week- flush out all the negativity?

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover.....

You know how something weird happens to you during the day, or you see something totally random, and you just gotta blab to somebody about it? Like, you see a girl whose pink panties are showing and you can see the little duck on the back peeking up out from under her jeans? Like, who really cares about the little duck on this random chick's panties? You probably don't even really care all that much, but you still have to tell someone!

My friends call these "boyfriend comments."
Because only your boyfriend will sit there and listen to this random stuff.
Because he has to. It's in the job description.

Well, I don't have a boyfriend. And I have a lot to say. Most of it being ridiculously unimportant to the population at large. 

Solution? BLOG! I figure it's perfect: I get to say all this random shit that comes popping into my head all the time without cornering some unsuspecting friend and saying, "Listen, I know you have things to do, people to see, blah blah blah, but guess what? I have an opinion about something again!"

So here it is, Universe, all the crap that is shuffling around inside my head at any given time. 
Or don't. That's kind of the whole point :)

For the record, I maintain the right to change my mind and be as erratic as I want to be. I make no promises regarding the frequency of posts and I'm gonna say what I want, even if you don't agree. Which is great! No, seriously, if anyone actually ever really reads this, tell me when I'm wrong! I'm bursting with ideas, but I can't be the only one :) 

As to the title, I tend to over think these things. So this time, I didn't :) 
(I like limes in my water. And the waitress never brings me one the first time I ask.)